Friday, May 30, 2008

Say it ain't so Bill Murray. Say it ain't so.

After I read the news of Sydney Pollack's death earlier this week, I was reminded of how much I enjoyed his body of work, including Tootsie. I don't think most people remember that Bill Murray was in that movie, but he was. And that movie is one of the reasons that Bill Murray is one of my favorite actors. Lost in Translation, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Royal Tenenbaums, Rushmore, Ghostbusters...they are some of my favorite films.

So Bill Murray - say it ain't so. The Smoking Gun is reporting that you're a wife beating, drug using, alkie. Please. Say it ain't so.

From all the stories I've read over the years that state that you aren't part of the Hollywood elitist crowd, that you don't even have an agent, attorney, or manager, I've become an admiring fan. So, please say this is just the work of an over dramatic spouse who is out to tarnish your reputation due to bitterness.

Ugh. I don't know if watching any of the Ghostbusters movies will ever be the same again.

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